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AI in Motion: How Physical AI is Revolutionizing Our Agriculture

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What if artificial intelligence was an active player in agriculture and nutrition? Robots such as weeding robots that work fields autonomously and thus increase efficiency - a future that has already begun. Could AI-driven vertical farming be a solution to the world's hunger crises? While such technologies offer opportunities and can boost productivity and sustainability, they naturally also raise questions: Will food production soon be dominated by a few tech pioneers? How can we ensure that these technologies are used fairly and benefit society as a whole? And how is “Physical AI” changing companies, our jobs and even society? 

The panel talk is aimed at everyone interested in gaining exciting insights into these innovations. It invites participants to jointly discuss their impact and to explore how Physical AI can be shaped at the intersection of agriculture, food and society.

To conclude, we look forward to a relaxed networking session. 

Event Details


27. February 2025


5:30 pm - 8:30 pm


Innovations-& Qualitätszentrum, Möckernstraße 26, 10963 Berlin




Martin Vesper (Pfeifer & Langen GmbH & Co. KG)
Lea Fließ (Forum Moderne Landwirtschaft)
Further speakers will be announced soon

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