Supporting the
growth of AI innovations
We develop instruments to accelerate the transfer of strong AI research into practice and the growth of outstanding AI innovations. To this end, we bring AI founders together with investors and companies.
Matchmaking for SME + KI-Start-ups
MISSION KI brings the strong German SME sector together with AI start-ups. This format leverages the strength of the German SME sector, which accounts for almost half of the world's hidden champions, and promotes the exchange of innovative power and specific industry expertise. Through regular events, we strengthen collaboration and accelerate the introduction of AI applications in real use cases to quickly achieve valuable innovations.
Based on an individual survey of companies' innovation needs, we work with our partners to find start-ups that are a perfect fit for us. This results in long-term collaborations from which SMEs and start-ups benefit.
AI Founder Fellowship
Germany is an international leader in AI research – but there is still some catching up to do when it comes to translating this research into marketable applications. With the AI Founder Fellowship, MISSION KI is launching an innovative pilot program that builds the crucial bridge between cutting-edge research and successful start-ups.
In the first year, we are enabling selected doctoral students to transfer their excellent AI research into innovative start-ups. In this way, we are testing new ways of strengthening Germany as an AI location and offering promising scientific talent future prospects in their own country.