Welcome to the
Innovation & Quality Center Kaiserslautern


The IQZ Kaiserslautern, located at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), drives the development of AI quality and testing standards at the interface between cutting-edge research and practical application/ at the intersection of cutting-edge research and practical application.

As part of MISSION KI, DFKI Kaiserslautern supports both implementation- and research-oriented development and testing of AI quality and testing standards. The focus is on promoting practical applicability, with particular attention to quality assurance methods for AI applications in the medical sector. These methods are validated using five specific use cases in specially designed testing environments.


Central Point of Contact/Hub for Companies and Founders/Entrepreneurs

The IQZ serves as a central hub/point of contact for small and medium-sized enterprises/buisnesses and potential founders for all questions regarding trustworthy AI. IQZ offers a comprehensive program and consulting services to promote knowledge transfer in the area of trustworthy AI and AI testing. Through regular lectures, practical workshops, and cross-industry networking events, the center fosters the development of a strong regional AI community, enhancing the innovation ecosystem sustainably.


Networking and Growth

Make valuable connections within the regional and national AI community.

Access to Cutting-Edge Research

Take advantage oft he opportunity to / Work at the interface of research and practical application.

Practical Support

Receive concrete assistance and best practices for implementing and testing your AI solutions.

Expert Knowledge

Benefit from the expertise of leading AI researchers and practitioners.

With our new AI Innovation and Quality Center in Kaiserslautern, we offer founders/entrepreneurs, startups, and SMEs a unique platform to develop and test AI applications. Join us in creating trustworthy AI solutions that are not only innovative but also meet the highest quality standards. Utilize/Take advantage of our expertise and resources to bring your ideas to life and help shape the future of AI in Germany.




Develop Trustworthy AI: Testing Tool Consultation for Companies

This service/offer is aimed at companies/buisnesses seeking information and advice on testing their AI applications. Our experts will introduce you to existing open-source testing tools and help you evaluate the right solutions for your specific needs.

AI-Quality from the Start/ from the get-go: Your Path to Trustworthy AI

Our experts provide comprehensive consulting on how to integrate “AI Quality by Design” into your development process. By incorporating quality aspects early in your AI projects/at an early stage, we help you develop robust, secure, and ethically sound AI applications.

EU AI Act Navigator: Expert Assistance for AI Risk Assessment

Our experts offer extensive support in risk assessment and classification of AI use cases according to the requirements of the EU AI Act. We help you identify the risks of your AI systems, determine the correct risk class/level (oder auch „risk level – classification“; level wird im Kontext des AI Acts von der EU meistens benutzt), and take appropriate measures to meet legal requirements and ensure your systems are safe and trustworthy.


Guideposts for trustworthy AI

IQZ Kaiserslautern is your competent partner for all questions relating to the quality and testing of artificial intelligence (AI). With our comprehensive range of consulting services, we aim to provide you with targeted support in the development and testing of trustworthy AI applications. Our experienced team will provide you with customised support in the following areas:

EU AI Act Navigation:

We provide assistance with the assessment of your AI applications in relation to the risk categories according to the EU AI Act.

Customised solutions:

Every company has unique requirements and challenges. That’s why we offer customised consulting services tailored specifically to your needs.

Testing tool consulting:

We will introduce you to available open source AI testing tools and jointly evaluate which tools are tailored to your specific needs.

AI Quality by Design:

We support you in integrating quality aspects into your AI development process.

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Dates are available from 01.09.2024

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Starting in the fall, our diverse event program will feature regular expert lectures and practical/ hands-on workshops on AI quality, risk management, and testing procedures. Additionally, we will promote the development of a strong regional AI community with networking events. You will have the opportunity to learn about best practices, discuss current challenges, and make valuable contacts in the AI industry/sector/field.

AI Act Basic Training: Identifying Challenges, Developing Solutions 

Date: October 10, 2024

The workshop, in collaboration with DFKI and APPLIED AI, offers a valuable platform for fostering responsible and trustworthy AI development. This offer is aimed at startups and SMEs looking to align their AI systems with the new regulatory requirements. 

Given the increasing demands and costs brought about by the AI Act, especially for high-risk AI systems, the workshop equips teams with the tools to take on these challenges effectively. The workshop provides essential knowledge on AI regulation and risk classification, preparing companies for their compliance journey. 

The workshop will be conducted in English. 

For Whom: AI developers, startups, SMEs

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Contact us

Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence
Trippstadter Straße 122
67663 Kaiserslautern

Phone: +49 631 20575 0
E-Mail: iqz-kl@mission-ki.de

Unsere PArtner

Ein Konsortium aus PwC, dem TÜV AI Lab, dem VDE, CertifAI unter Beteiligung der Dekra, dem AI Quality & Testing Hub aus Hessen und Fraunhofer IAIS unterstützt die MISSION KI im Rahmen der Innovations- und Qualitätszentren.

Unsere PArtner

Ein Konsortium aus PwC, dem TÜV AI Lab, dem VDE, CertifAI unter Beteiligung der Dekra, dem AI Quality & Testing Hub aus Hessen und Fraunhofer IAIS unterstützt die MISSION KI im Rahmen der Innovations- und Qualitätszentren.



In partnership with the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) and the appliedAI Institute for Europe, we invite you to our AI Act Basic Training workshop on October 10, 2024.


The MISSION KI initiative, aimed at promoting AI development in Germany, brought together 13 AI startups with 10 medium-sized companies from Baden-Württemberg on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at the experimenta Science Center in Heilbronn.This was the successful start to the matchmaking format, through which the initiative, funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), seeks to connect SMEs with AI startups at various locations in Germany. MISSION KI was supported at the event by regional partners appliedAI Institute for Europe, Technologiepark Heidelberg, and IPAI.


On Friday, July 19, 2024, Federal Minister of Digital Affairs Dr. Volker Wissing and Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Economic Affairs Daniela Schmitt opened a new Center for Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern. The AI Innovation and Quality Center is part of the "MISSION KI" initiative and the first of two planned centers in Germany with which the federal government is promoting the use of trustworthy AI.


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