Successful Kickoff for MISSION KI Matchmaking: 13 AI Startups Met SMEs

The MISSION KI initiative, aimed at promoting AI development in Germany, brought together 13 AI startups with 10 medium-sized companies from Baden-Württemberg on Wednesday, July 17, 2024, at the experimenta Science Center in Heilbronn.This was the successful start to the matchmaking format, through which the initiative, funded by the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport (BMDV), seeks to connect SMEs with AI startups at various locations in Germany. MISSION KI was supported at the event by regional partners appliedAI Institute for Europe, Technologiepark Heidelberg, and IPAI.

Startups from across Germany presented their AI solutions through brief pitches at the event, allowing SMEs to quickly gain an overview of new technologies. The companies then engaged in one-on-one discussions with the startups to discuss their AI needs. The goal of the event was to strengthen cooperation between SMEs and AI startups and to initiate pilot projects.

The event was opened by Frank Krüger, Deputy Head of the “Data Policy and Digital Innovations” department at the BMDV, with a keynote speech. Frank Krüger: “With this event, we want to provide AI startups with a platform to make their solutions visible to German SMEs and start a conversation. We want new partnerships to emerge here. By leveraging the innovation potential that lies in the collaboration between SMEs and startups, we can contribute to the competitiveness of companies.”

A highlight of the event was the awarding of three start-ups that had presented themselves and their solutions most convincingly to a jury of experts. AMEXIS won first prize. The jury was also very impressed by Workist (2nd place) and Scavenger AI (3rd place). They will receive advice from the jury as well as the opportunity to exhibit their AI solution in a MISSION KI exhibition space for three months.

Dr. Peyman Khodabakhsh, MISSION KI project leader: “One of our goals with MISSION KI is to bring the AI innovations that are created in Germany into practical economic use. Many German SMEs are hidden champions. With networking formats like the one in Heilbronn, we want to help ensure that our companies can best benefit from the innovation potential of our AI start-ups.”

Moreover, there were keynote speeches on the AI landscape in Germany and the special features of AI startups in Baden-Württemberg. Best practices were used to show how AI start-ups and SMEs are already collaborating profitably. At the end of the event, there was ample time for networking and in-depth discussions. MISSION KI will organize further matchmaking events at other locations in the coming months.


Wissing opens AI center in Kaiserslautern

On Friday, July 19, 2024, Federal Minister of Digital Affairs Dr. Volker Wissing and Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Economic Affairs Daniela Schmitt opened a new Center for Artificial Intelligence (AI) at the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Kaiserslautern. The AI Innovation and Quality Center is part of the “MISSION KI” initiative and the first of two planned centers in Germany with which the federal government is promoting the use of trustworthy AI.

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MISSION KI, appliedAI Institute for Europe, Heidelberg Technology Park, and IPAI have joined forces to bring together medium-sized companies and AI startups

For medium-sized companies, identifying their AI needs, selecting providers, and implementing solutions ties up time and resources. This is precisely where a joint project by MISSION KI, the appliedAI Institute for Europe, Heidelberg Technology Park, and IPAI can be of assistance: In three steps, medium-sized companies are guided through the process of developing tailor-made AI projects.

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MISSION KI funding project on data exchange standards to be presented at the FAIR Digital Objects Implementation Summit in Berlin

A competitive data economy requires smooth data exchange. Therefore, in January 2024, MISSION KI, an initiative by the German Academy of Science and Engineering and the Federal Ministry for Digital and Transport, commissioned five of Germany’s most renowned institutes in data standardization to develop an FDO infrastructure for cross-sector networking of data spaces.

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